Finialy hit the thrift store lotto!

So it’s no secret I haven’t been trying very hard to acquire or obtain a 60+ liter backpack. so today there was one in a thrift store for $15 it was purple so it’s gonna need some modding but i can’t argue with no $15. but it’s great it’s all big n shit so i can make it extra heavy for my summer trip.

So how did i happen upon this miracle 15 dollar backpacking pack well, as luck would have it i took the wrong set of keys today when i woke up and left the not quite right in the head keys with my seriously senile parent who as luck would have it got it to work twice just like i did to test which set was which. so i had finished writing my pre break 2000 words and was out for a safety meeting with my advisory committee down at centennial square. It was a great afternoon even got to see a boomer get put in handcuffs over a water balloon fight and his buthurtedness over kids having fun filthy swine these old people are ruining honest peoples fun. so i get this phone call right after a bazzillion cops show up and have to run down to esquimalt of all places to save the day which lead to the thrift store which lead to the back pack which i now must pack after i do a bit more writing! library don’t close until six which is pro i can write 6 days a week with out to much noise.

well that has been my life today back to the grind!

Published by: mitch fourtwenty

I write fiction, do street art, used to paint trains but that's really hard when your old, they just always seemed so dull and NY had better trains then we did with more color so i always liked throwing paint at my trains, I have one main blog which is my idea board which you are probably free to steel from just don't let me catch you with my more professional lawyers, I was depressed at one point in life because people kept pointing out i was different then them thanks, I guess i am, I don't fit in anywhere particular but I'm pretty happy because it seems like instead i fit in everywhere. I occasionally use grape vines to talk at some people, which are slow but un hack-able, I'm also my own medical researcher and a host of other nifty job titles i don't mind doing for myself it makes me happier each day! I am intelligent to the point where i'm hyper curious about things so i tend to ask alot of question about stuff if peole dont piss on me for having the super human ability of curiosity which keeps me learning despite a system that turned its back on me long ago, I still survive and write, one day i might go public but considering I'm probably wanted in my home town and don't even know it because i never got caught i don't often clue people in on who i am on earth, on the inter webs. while i have many masks that may seems scary even to some people I'm genuinely just a man making his community a better place to live for everyone he talks to that ever had a sad story who erased my metal ass face? I liked my metal face?

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